Ne MADRID NIGHTS: Defeats Update

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Defeats Update

Charlton 2 Blackburn Rovers 3

I am still running behind time with the blog, partly, as I said in my last, through being busy anyway, and partly because it is a grim saga of defeats, and things still haven't changed.

In the League Cup match with Blackburn on Wednesday, a comfortable 2-0 lead was turned into a 2-3 home defeat, for the second time this season, through complacency as much as anything, and Curbs, and Charlton supporters everywhere, are beside ourselves with frustration and disappointment. However, as someone has pointed out, November, a month in which Charlton played five games and lost all of them, is now over, so maybe the bend in the lane has been reached. However, Lawro thinks we'll beat Manchester City this afternoon, so I'm not too hopeful.

On the quiz front, we once again came third. Our old chums the Old Farts (their own name for themselves, I might remind you) boosted by the return of our friend and occasional quiz player Sean, sailed comfortably home in what was a well-produced and presented quiz, a good joint effort by our main regular q.m., Alex, and the charming Laura, from Iowa (and this time she didn't ask any questions about it).

Edu's team came second, and we were about four points behind them. There was a goodish turnout, and the Monday-Thursday debate goes on, but nothing will change until January, if then.


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