Ne MADRID NIGHTS: Counter Points

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Counter Points

Those visitors who are quite observant, and notice these things (I always do, I'm afraid) will be aware that not only are there two counters recording visits to the page, but that they have never shown the same number. This is because the first one I put on, which is in the sidebar under the archive titles, included my own visits to the page too, until I learned to turn that particular feature off. I didn't bother to reset it at the time as I also started using another one, from a different provider, and this one appears at the bottom of the left-hand column. The number I set this to was an attempt at guessing the true number of visitors to the page since its inception, and was running at about 800 fewer than the first one.

All clear so far? Good. Now, for some time I have been meaning to drop one of them, although they are both free. However, now I am not so sure. During two whole days last week, Wednesday and then Saturday, the Gostats page that administers the right-hand counter was down, so that just above where it says "free hit counter", instead of the four digits, in translucent blue and Gill Sans numbers which I selected back in June or whenever it was, and have grown to like very much, I might add, there was absolutely nothing at all.

Thinking that maybe Gostats had gone bust, I rapidly re-edited the other counter, the Bravenet one at the bottom of the page, so that it displayed the same number, plus two leading zeroes which I don't much like, but can do nothing about, as the original one. The Bravenet selection of types and styles doesn't run to Gill Sans, nor the translucent blue, so I chose one consisting of a sword with green numbers running along it. The following day I decided I didn't like it, and opted for the simpler style still on display (just press End/Fin key). The next day, my Gill Sans blue reappeared, but showing a number 2 below the Bravenet one. I reset them to be the same. That was Thursday. On Saturday Gostats was out of order once more; I did nothing. Sunday it reappeared and now, Tuesday night, time of writing, just coming up to midnight, the Bravenet one shows 2385, and the Gostats, 2378.

I'm going to leave things for a while to see if they start to balance out. Just thought you'd like to know.


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