Ne MADRID NIGHTS: Fate Resists Temptation

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Fate Resists Temptation

One day late (but it is a very hectic time of the year), I have to report that fate resolutely declined to be tempted by Thursday's revelation that we have won the charity quiz for the last five or six years running, and I proudly record a sixth, or possibly seventh, consecutive victory, narrow though it was, for our team (138 points) over Edu's team (135). Luis evidently felt that the scores of the remaining teams, including his own, having to manage without him and David, (as they were asking the questions) were not worthy of mention, so I cannot say what they were.

As for the Monday/ Thursday vote, this was put back to next month, when we reconvene, for reasons which I cannot fathom, as all the regulars were in fact there. Could it be that the Thursday faction sensed defeat, and stalled in the hope of a turn of the tide? Time will tell.


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