Ne MADRID NIGHTS: The Welsh Connection

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Welsh Connection

I haven't said much about the quiz of late, barring some passing comments on the fact that our team has not, so far in 2006, won. So maybe now is the moment for a proper update, especially as some of my regular readers don't go much on the Charlton pieces, which have been, due to Charlton's heavy fixture load in February, in the majority recently.

The Monday vs. Thursday debate has drifted, via a series of close-run votes, into a status quo situation, and as far as I remember, it is now going to stay on Thursdays, at least for the time being. We have also had a re-think about how the quiz is organised, and the net result of that is that our team is now committed to providing the question master at least once a month.

And, as a result of that, our unsuccessful run will not come to an end this evening, as not only is John, of our team, doing his first single-handed quizmaster's stint (his only previous outing was a joint one with me back in June), while Antony has his parents over from the U.K., and is forming a breakaway team, just for this week, with them. I have tried to shore up the gaps by recruiting other chums, but even if the team I am in tonight wins, I don't think it will quite count as a win for the team as a whole.

Last week we once again came second, the only surprising factor in this being that the winners were not our old friends and rivals the Old Farts (their name for themselves, I ought to remind you), but Edu's team who romped home. Mind you, the OFs are missing Luis, who is the first casualty of the Monday to Thursday switch, as he is a fervent Monday man, which on the whole I am, as well, but I don't have the family responsibilities Luis has. All the same, I hope he hasn't given up on us completely.

There are signs of a couple of new teams becoming a regular part of the scene; one of them is a group of cheery gay guys who have been along a couple of times; the other has a nucleus composed of some of the new teachers at our very own Centre.

Looking forward to this evening, then, as I have recovered from my bilious attack of yesterday.

Oh, the title? Just that there about four regular members of the various teams, Antony and myself included, who have Welsh family or ancestry, and David and Gitte studied and worked in Aberystwyth, may even have met there, even if they aren't actually Welsh, and yet we never have a Saint David's Day quiz, which tonight's might have been, and yet for some reason there is always a Saint Patrick's one, which, given that the pub is, technically at any rate, Irish, only seems fair. But maybe it is time the other home saints, and even Santiago Apóstol himself, patron saint of Spain, got their day in the limelight. Just a thought.


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