Ne MADRID NIGHTS: Another Great Win

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Another Great Win

I could wish that my earlier parallels with the performances of the quiz team and of Charlton were holding good, but they clearly are not. Once again, we were at full strength, and although Luis's team was not, Luis himself being absent, I venture, with the greatest possible respect, to wonder if it would have made any difference. (I should at this point stress that Luis's team signifies merely the team that Luis belongs to, and does not imply captaincy or ownership thereof; the other members of the team stumbled across the blog this week and wondered why I don't mention them too - so, Gitte and David, Hello!) With the final round to go, we had already won, being more than 20 points in the lead, and we ended up with an extremely gratifying total of 133. Maybe Charlton can emulate us at Crystal Palace at the weekend by being so many goals up that whatever happens in the last 11 or so minutes cannot make any difference...


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